Update 2: Another quick edit to include the answer to a fair question from another commenter, which I'm sure others will be asking as well. The title is the same with the exception of the Updated tag for a couple of reasons. This article has been shared (and in several cases, reposted by some people claiming it as theirs) around the Internet over the last six years. In order to make sure people know this is the original version of the article and to avoid other issues and confusion with attribution, I can't change the title. The other reason is that the content of the article itself has not changed, other than the Update added below this section and updated links, since ones used previously were broken. I hope that explains a bit, please feel free to ask me any questions!

Update 1: Hey, dear reader. I'm not really sure how or what to say first, but I think I'll start with an apology. What am I sorry for? Well, honestly the fact that I have led more than half a million people astray by writing this article six years ago, and by leaving it up for as long as I did. I mean it when I say I'm truly sorry, and I hope that you'll take a moment to read this article about why I left witchcraft and found Jesus through the Anglican Church.

I wrestled with whether I should just delete the article so no one else is misinformed or hurt, but after praying, I wrote my testimony so God can turn my mistake into something He can use. I promise this article isn't going to be any of the usual witch bashing and harmful rhetoric you've come to expect. I have nothing but love and respect for the witchy community, and I mean it when I say that I love you all from the bottom of my heart. Please know that's where this comes from rather than a place of judgment or condemnation. (I'm the last person who should be doing any of that, as you'll see if you read my story!)

Thank you, and please feel free to comment if you have any questions. I'm here to listen, and speak honestly. While I meant everything I wrote in this article at the time that I wrote it, my understanding of the truth has changed drastically. I hope you'll give me the chance to explain why.



What Is Witchcraft?

Witchcraft is one of the world's oldest spiritual traditions, yet it is also one of the most misunderstood. Television, movies, and comic books abound with stereotypes and misconceptions about what it really means to be a witch. Many people decide they want to become a witch because they relate to the witches and wizards in fictional stories, such as Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia. However, the magic you see portrayed on screen is usually significantly different from real magick practiced by devout witches, wizards, sorcerers, and ceremonial magickians every day.

Though pop culture might indicate otherwise, witchcraft isn't just about black cats and pointy hats.

Okay, so witchcraft is often misunderstood. But what is witchcraft? To put it simply, witchcraft is the practice of magick. That's it. Contrary to popular belief, witchcraft is not a religion; it is a spiritual practice that may or may not be part of a person's religious faith. Witchcraft is often conflated with Wicca, which is an actual religion. It is important to remember that not all witches are Wiccan, and not all Wiccans are witches. Many Wiccans practice witchcraft, but many do not. Many who practice witchcraft are Wiccan, but most arehttps://milhareh.kinja.com/1839124125



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